117: Almost Happy

In this blog, I record my trials and tribulations, my fears and frustrations, my cares and concerns. Sometimes when I re-read it, I realise it starts to sound rather negative, as if my life is a series of calamities and catastrophes.

Well, of course, at the time I write each blog post, I often am upset, angry or frustrated …. but that might last for only ten minutes.  It is the upset, the anger or the frustration  that has inspired the blog post but I, often, fairly soon get over it and life’s gets back to its normal, sometimes boring self.

This negativity seems  a bit unfair on my human beans who I do feel are genuinely doing their best for me. I know they read the blog and sometimes they must feel hurt that I am so ungrateful for their ministrations.

So, I have decided to do something about it.  From today, I will endeavour to be less critical and less negative, more sympathetic to my beans.

I will smile more. 

If you see me in the street, you will see a transformed dog.

Wait a minute. I’ve just realised that in the time I’ve bee using TOWTLH’s laptop to write this blog, he has eaten his porridge and drunk his coffee.  And where is my breakfast? Certainly not in my tummy. Not even in my bowl.

It looks as though he’s going to read the paper, now.

I’ve tried to look pityingly at him, even whine a little but he’s not looking or listening to me.  

He’s an unthinking, insensitive, self-centred monster who shouldn’t be allowed to have a dog.  And she’s no better. She’s still in bed.  



118: Wrong Coat


116: What is a Bank