152: They come, They Go

The trouble with human beans (or one trouble at least … I don’t have time now to list them all) is that, just as you start to get used to them, they leave and you have to start again on their next visit.

I’ll give you an example (especially since I know you don’t work well with abstract concepts).

My beans’ pup, Phil they call him, has been living at home since he got back from Singapaw.  I have been slowly acclimatising to his presence and I let him stroke me if he’s good. 

On Wednesday, he disappeared!

From snippets I’ve overheard, he’s gone to somewhere related to dogs and surrounded by water. Through sheer doggy intelligence and logical reasoning, I believe that narrows it down to The Canary Islands or The Isle of Dogs.  He’s away for something like a month…. he’ll be a stranger by the time he gets back.

At least my beans only leave for a few hours when they go, or they leave one at a time.  Phil’s got their DNA - why hasn’t he learnt how to treat a dog properly.

Since the beans are here, I can’t realistically mope, so how do I show my annoyance?  


153: Traumatised by Absence


151: Baby, Its Cold Outside!