159: Don’t Laugh at my Habits

In the evenings, I have a habit of ‘re-arranging’ my bed.  This can involve anything from 2 to 6 minutes of dragging my mat out, moving the bed to a different part of the floor and attempting to get the mat back in - the trickiest part of the whole process and, I must admit, one I quite often fail at.

TOWTLH finds this most amusing and regularly videos my ‘performance’, sending it out to family members via What Sap (or something like that) on her phone. (Aren’t smartphones amazing?). This is a woman who won’t allow her husband (TOWTSH) to put pictures of her on Facebook (for privacy reasons) but glibly posts videos of me.  

Has she asked my permission?  No, of course not!

Would I give permission?  Probably. I don’t want to be seen as a Luddite.  I am part of the modern, technological world so might as well embrace it.

I’m considering what other technologies and online services I might access.  I quite fancy having one of those Siri or Alexa people (other virtual assistants are available) at my beck and call, answering my questions, playing my favourite music and whatever else they can do.   It just needs the techno people to teach them how to bark and understand barking.   They seem to master a range of other languages, so dog-ese shouldn’t be beyond them.

Cone on, Apple, Meta, Google et al - include us dogs. It will increase your diversity ratings.


160: Hard as Nails


158: Boring, Snoring