181 I’ve Located Him

If you remember, last week I told you that TOWTSH has gone missing.

Well, by careful eavesdropping on telephone calls, I’ve managed to find out where he is.

He’s in somewhere called A Merry Ca.

It’s a long way away. A long, long, long way away. A lot further than the park!

He’s with his pup doing something called a road trip. (I’m not surprised - he can trip anywhere…. It’s his advanced age.)

He’s not back until next month.

Here am I pining away and he’s off gallivanting (what ever that is).

I hope he get some strange disease and has to come back early.

No. That was an awful thing to say. I hope he comes to his senses, misses his dog snd comes back early.

I miss him.


182: Still not around


180: Time Rushes By