212: A Very Nasty Situation


 Human beans are strange creatures.  They seems to delight in doing bad things for good reasons. Perhaps ‘delight’ is a bit strong but they do quite often seem to create nasty situations out of good intentions.

Take me - and my beans.  Regular readers will know I am a timid, nervous, non-socialised animal only secure when in the sole presence of my hero and guardian John (TOWTSH).

Well recently, for some reason given these parameters, my beans agreed to look after some friends’ dog for a day while they went elsewhere to do something they had to do.  This dog - we’ll call her Lola because that’s her name - is one I have known since I came to Leeds, but see infrequently (thank goodness).  My beans used to look after her regularly before I came along - and she worships them.

So, this dog came into my life, my house, even my bed - and started nuzzling my beloved John. All I could do was glare reproachfully - not the greatest threat to an errant cocker spaniel.

Even when I went out for a walk, Lola came too.

It was awkward, painful and embarrassing. People in the street - even some of our neighbours - would come up and say “Oh, what a lovely dog”, patting, stroking and fussing the hound like she deserved it.

Can I get a transfer, please?


2`13: From Bad to Worse


211 Big Plates