169: An Unexepected Visitor

On Friday afternoon last week, I was minding my own business (as I am wont to do being a shy, retiring, private dog) when someone rang the doorbell. I did my usual 3 barks of welcome (which my beans seem to like) and ran to the door to investigate who was responsible for the bell push. 

When my beans had extricated themselves from their comfy seats (without the aid of mechanical devices, I must add) and stumbled (over loose balls and dog toys) to the door, they opened the door and in ran (for she always runs) Lola.

Some of you might remember Lola from previous blog posts but she is an 8 year old cocker spaniel with too much energy and little decorum.

I soon found out that she was to stay with us for a week, usurping, to some degree, my position of ‘top dog’.

So now, I havre to share my walks with a dog who walks about 5 times as fast as I do and loves to chase balls. 

(Why would you? When a bean throws a ball, it will stay where it runs to and wait (for ever, I believe, assuming Newton’s laws of motion still apply in this modern world). There is no advantage gained in running.)

So, walks are a bit of a challenge - especially for TOWTSH who has to try to balance the pace of Lola and I.

At least Lola’s beans did bring food for her so she is not stealing, or even sharing, mine.  But feeding time means we have to be kept separate.  Lola is quite likely to attempt to get at my food if she finishes first.  However, I am usually first to finish, not because I am rushing … I am just a naturally quick eater.

This week could be hell. I’ll try and update you next week.


170: The Visitor (continued)


168: Its a Sham!