231: Yet Another Trauma

“Please tell me of your trauma” I hear you say because, like most people, you like to hear of traumatic events that have not happened to you.

People say things like, “There but for the grace of God …” when they mean, “Thank goodness it wasn’t me.”  (Incidentally showing how many phrases in everyday use contain references to God.)

Well, this week, I have been to the groomer….. for a haircut. With impeccable timing, my beans arranged this the week that temperatures plummeted to single figures. 

I am now shorn ..,.. and cold.

I think they (the beans) expect me to run around to get warm…. but you know I don’t do running.   Since I reached the grand, old age of nine, I don’t even do brisk walking.  Shivering is the best exercise I can muster.  It doesn’t help much but I think it makes the beans feel guilty.

As they should!


232: They Come, They Go.


230 : A Visitor Cometh