234: Getting Better

Well, I didn’t - as I feared last week - implode on going to the vet’s.

She (they all seem to be female women) looked at my eyes in great detail snd did a tear test (a form of torture where they put a strip of special paper under your eyelid and see how far your natural tears wet it in 60 seconds) before declaring some improvement.

However, I still have to have drops and ointment in my eye every day for at lest the next two months.  

Who’d be a dog?

In other news, the pup (Phil) is still not.back at home… the other pup’s pup (Woody) has started his degree course and my beans are still watching loads of tennis.

The ball gets hit over the net, gets hit back … rinse and repeat … ad nauseam (that’s Latin, you know).  Why anyone wants to watch such repetitive rubbish, I have no idea….. but it seems to hypnotise the beans.

Give me Tipping Point any day.  At least that has some drama.


235: Alice’s Tale


233: Some You (Almost) Win….