84: Or Tum?

My human beans keep talking about Or Tum. At first, I thought this was a god from New Zealand or one of the Pacific Ocean island groups but it turns out be more prosaic. 

Evidently, it simply refers to the time of year and to what Americans call ‘the Fall’.

I can see why my beans don’t like it.  It has been unrelenting gloom with intermittent rain showers for many days now.  And its cold.

The sun is still there somewhere making brief appearances but giving out little warmth. Yet in other parts of the world, it still does.

My human beans’ eldest pup (what they call a son …. Note: not ‘sun’) now lives in Singapore and sees sunshine and high temperatures on a daily basis.

This isn’t fair!

I want Or Tum to go away.

Wait!  The sun is out. It’s got warmer.  The weather gods are smiling again! Forget everything.


85: The Magic Box


83: The World Is Going Mad