248: Where’s Chicken Licken when you need him?
Constructing a title for this blog post was made more difficult because I don’t know whether Chicken Licken (the hero of one of my favourite books from my pupdom) is/was male or female (or some other gender just so I don’t get cancelled).
You must remember Chicken Licken. The sky fell on his/her head (or at least Chicken Licken thought it did).
Well, it happened to me last weekend. The sky fell to earth. At least I now know the sky is made of cold, powdery stuff. It fell over a long time, it covered ground, houses, cars, people - and dogs. It caused havoc - as one might have expected. I missed a few of my normal morning park walks and some daytime and evening walks. And still the sky continued to fall.
Sky is big!
I thought I would ring Chicken l,icken and share experiences but my beans told me that he/she (they didn’t know his/her gender either) was fictitious - which just means ’made up’. What a revelation. Not real! The great Chicken Licken. The sky has really fallen in on my world.
Next, you’ll be telling me that Santa Claus isn’t real.