108: Weather

There are quite a few problems associated with being a dog writing a blog. One major limitation is that I’m not very good at reading so it’s hard to looks back on old blog posts and see what I wrote some time ago.  So, you have to forgive me if I occasionally repeat myself.

Of course, many of you, dear readers, will have cognitive problems and may not remember if you’ve read something (similar) before.

The reason for this preamble is that I intend, today, to comment on the weather and I know I’ve done that before.

However, since adult human beans talk about the weather every four and a half minutes, I offer no real apology.   I only apologise if I’ve made exactly the same point before and you remember it.

When I went for my morning walk today, I was expecting the worst. It had been windy all night keeping me awake at times.  But when I got out, it was windy and cold - very cold. 

Twelve degrees a week ago, two degrees this week. What changed? Did the earth move further from the sun?  Did God turn off Heaven’s heating? 

Is the world really overheating?  

I don’t care. I just like the warmer weather. I want it back. Just promise me the cold weather won’t return.

Oh no! I’ve just heard the weather forecast.  Cancel this blog post.


109: What is Going On?


107: Another Haircut