124: Sport Everywhere

My beans, well particularly TOWTSH, watch a lot of sport on TV.  Cricket, football, Rugby League, Athletics, Formula 1.   There seems to have been a surfeit of it recently.

The beans have something called Sky TV.  I’m not sure what it is but it uses a satellite (which is in the sky, so presumably that’s where the name comes from).  On Sky TV, they watch Sky Sports so I assume that is paragliding, parachuting and so on.   Sports in the sky seems a little niche to me - how does Sky TV get a lot of people to pay for it?

I’ve noticed that only when Cruft’s is on do we get any doggy sports - that thing where teams of dogs run and pull a ball out of a holder and take it back to their owner.  When they get back, the next dog in the team can set off to get their ball - and the cycle goes on until all the dogs in the team have retrieved a ball.  The team that does it in the fastest time wins.

This involves two of my least favourite things - balls and running.  What’s the point of a ball. I learnt very early on they are completely round - there is no point.

And running. I asked my mum what was the purpose of running.  She said it was to get fit.  But what’s the point of getting fit?  So you can run.  This seems a very circular argument - and, like balls, circles have no point!

Now its the Commiewealth Games. Wall -to-wall sport. No Bargain Hunt. No Pointless. I’m not pleased. They keep telling me, “Its your BBC.” It isn’t!


125: It Should Be About Me


123: Drink, Anyone?