129: Rewards

Some of you might have seen a photo of me having a paddle in the lake at Roundhay Park.  I know TOWTSH ‘posted’ it on a What’s App group and on Facebook (without my permission!)

I’m trying to avoid a presence on sochal meedya as I’ve heard it can lead to you being scammed.  I don’t know what that is but it sounds unpleasant.

And why the word ‘posted’ for putting something on Twitter, Facebook or whatever?  Why not simply ‘entered’?  Human beans invent words or re-use words when there is no need or when it can be confusing.

Anyway, back to my paddle. All I was doing was ‘rescuing’ a poor, unfortunate bread roll that someone (presumably a human bean) had discarded and abandoned.

TOWTSH took it off me as soon as I got out of the water so my watery trip was a complete waste of time.

This is wrong! I put the effort in (and took the risk) so I should have had the reward.

Next time, I’ll leave it  - but the ducks will no doubt soon claim it - and I’ve read that bread is not good for ducks.

Try working out the logic of that.  

Do I retrieve the bread and save the ducks?

Does TOWTSH try to stop me - snd harm the ducks?

Do I get the reward for my effort?

Do I get a biscuit as compensation?

Is there life on Mars?

My brain hurts. I’m going for a lie-down.


130: If Music Be …


128: Keep Britain for British Dogs