135: Another Visit!

The title for this blog post could indicate one of two things.  Either someone has been to visit us, or we have been to visit someone.  

Unfortunately it was the latter and the someone was (play scary music) the vet.

I have an eye problem (though TOWTSH thinks I have an  ‘I’ problem) and need an occasional checkup to see if the medicines prescribed are doling their job.  My beans are not happy because the medicine is fairly expensive and it seems as though I shall be on it for the rest of my life. They’ve probably had to cut down on avocado and hummus.

I just think whatever it costs, I’m worth it for the joy and happiness I bring them.   What would they do without me? (Answers on a postcard, please.)

I have to go.  Time for my drops!


136: Pardon?


134: My friend George