141: What about my food?

For Christmas 2021, TOWTLH got something called an ‘air dryer’ though I have learnt over the last 12 months that these have nothing to-do with frying.

She seems to like it and, in fact, has become quite evangelical about recommending one to others.

She has been dropping hints recently about another device called a ‘slow cooker’. This seems odd since one of the attributes she claims for the air fryer is its speed.

The point I wish to make is that none of these devices has any impact on my life, my food.

I still get my pellets of dried food - like an astronaut.

I’m not really complaining but it does seem as though TOWTLH pays a lot more attention to the food she prepares for other humans  than the food she prepares for her (allegedly) favourite dog.

I know you regular readers won’t be surprised at this. Its the old ‘one rule for humans one rule for dogs’ syndrome.


142: World Cup Malarkey


140: The Pup Returns