147: Would you Adam & Eve It?

Last week, in passing, I mentioned Adam & Eve - in the context of human myths.

Well, you might not believe this, but I actually met him this week - Adam that is!

I was cowering in the corner of the dining room because the house was full of people.  (Cowering is one of my strengths - I seem to have a natural gift for it.). The doorbell rang (because that’s what they do) and Phil, the pup, went to answer the door (presumably because he was expecting someone to call).

In came someone of about the same age as Phil (though I find it hard to estimate the age of humans because they wear ‘age inappropriate clothing’ alongside their tattoos snd other bodily adornments).  Those already present offered various greetings to the newcomer but all ended with the word ‘Adam’ for that evidently was his name.

Surprisingly he was fully clothed (no fig leaf, but I wouldn’t have known since I’ve never knowingly seen a fig leaf). Surprisingly also, he spoke modern English - not some strange, primitive language and he was groomed to modern standards.

I actually quite liked him (but don’t tell him that - it could ruin my reputation).

Quite a coincidence. I mention him one week - he appears the next.

Perhaps I have a superpower!


148: Back to Normal?


146: Reflections on Christmas