176: What is ‘dancing’?

My beans left me last Saturday night.  They left me in the ‘care’ of their pup, Philip … even though they know I don’t like him.

The strange thing is that they went out to a golf club but they didn’t, as you might expect, go to play golf. (I now understand golf - a little bit -  having recently watched something called ‘The Open’) But my beans  went to eat and to ’dance’. 

Now, eating, of course, I understand.  In fact it’s my favourite occupation. But ’dancing’ is something I don’t understand.

I think I have seen human beans doing something referred to as dancing on the telly box… but it was just people jumping and shaking and cavorting around, while,for some reason, music played in the background. 

Now, why would my beans make a special trip to a golf club to  jump, shake and cavort around - presumably with other people. 

I don‘’t know if they danced around all 18 holes or whether they went into any of the sand pits that seem to exist on golf courses. (They weren’t dressed for playing in sand pits.)

As I’ve said before, I don’t think I’ll ever understand human beans!


177: Not Me, Sir


175: Why Aren’t There More Words?