177: Not Me, Sir

I have only about 3 main states of being:  Walking, Eating and Sleeping.  I do two of those in a slow, relaxed manner and one with great excitement and energy. (I guess you know which one.)

My beans have kindly provided a bed in both downstairs sitting rooms where I can sleep while they read the newspaper or watch television.

However they have recently started to complain about me making noises whilst asleep …. Snoring they call it. I think they are misguided or lying because I can’t hear anything.  Anyway, why would I make a noise when asleep …. What would be the point?

I think they are trying to create an excuse for their inability - at their advanced years and decrepitude (is that a word?). - to concentrate their minds on anything for more than 2 or 3 minutes.

“What are you reading about?”

“I don’t know”

“But you’ve just read it”

“I know but the dog was snoring and I couldn’t concentrate.”

How pathetic.  Poor me, getting the blame.

And did you notice.  I was referred to as ‘the dog’, not Gina.

How has it come to this? Is it just their advancing years? Or is it part of s great anti-dog conspiracy?

Blame the dogs.  Accuse them of snoring snd other ‘crimes’.  Then they’ll never take over the world.  

But we didn’t want to.  All we want is biscuits and treats.


178: To the Scaffold


176: What is ‘dancing’?