220: Good Mourning

I have a quandary.  I have something which, according to human beans, I shouldd … but. I don’t know whether it applies to dogs. ……and I certainly don’t know how to do it.

It is so serious (in all senses of that word) that I don’t want to get it wrong.

‘It’ is mourning.

I heard on Monday that Lola, a friend of mine was seriously ill. She had to go for a thing called a MRI scan.  (This is evidently some form of diagnostic device which, in effect, takes pictures inside the body.). The scan showed that Lola had some kind of tumour on her brain.

Two days later, Lola tragically died.  She was only my age (9) and otherwise fit and healthy. Her beans are obviously devastated.

I have known Lola ever since I came to Leeds five years ago.  She was a bit boisterous for my liking but good natured snd considerate. (I’m starting to talk like s human bean where every dead person mentioned in the media turns out to have been a saint.)

My beans looked after Lola when her beans went on holiday, so we have shared sleeping quarters, feeding space, gardens and walks.  Dogs don’t get much closer.

But what do I do now? How do I mourn?  Should I send a card to Lola’s beans?  Should I wear a black collar?

After reflection, I have decided that I will simply think of Lola, of her joyful spirit, her vivacity, her enthusiasm … and I will be sad.   

Do you think this will be enough?


221: Fed Up with the Your Ohs


219: Summer is Here