221: Fed Up with the Your Ohs

These Your Ohs are driving me mad.  They, together with Wimbeldun, have taken over the telly.

What’s worse, they come on every day around my mealtime, resulting in delay snd sloppy service.

And for what?

So human beans can shout, swear snd gesticulate at the telly, hoping to influence the game or the referee or that nice Mr. Lineker.  I say ‘game’ but I’m not sure that’s what they are watching.  

The sounds and shouts sound more like urban warfare than a game.  The overriding factor seems  to be aggression, partly (or perhaps wholly)  fuelled by alcohol and an odd  sense of nationalism.   And the violence on the pitch is even worse!

And all this has been taking place alongside a general election. (I didn’t know generals were elected; I thought they emerged from, and were recognised for, bloody battles.They would make good Your Ohs watchers or combatants - pr perhaps peace-keepers.)

I don’t think I’ll ever understand human beans.


222 Oh, The Indignity


220: Good Mourning