229: Nearly Normal

I have had what I would call a nearly normal week.  (Nearly normal or merely normal?)

No major incidents, no major trauma. Yes, the pup (Phil) has been away in the Lake District but that doesn’t impact on my life very much as long as the grown-ups are here to feed , water and walk me.

Evidently, TOWTSH is playing one of his instruments at The Chapel Allerton Festival today (well, today if you are reading this on Saturday 31st August 2024.  I know some of you store these blog posts up and binge read them … but then you miss the currency and the topicality of them.  If so, you will have missed the gig (I believe that is the correct human term for participation in a musical performance) and failed to be impressed by John’s musical ability and physical dexterity.   I believe he can get on and off the stage unaided! )

Though I mock the poor old bugger, I am impressed that he actively participates … and that others don’t mind playing alongside him.. I do sometimes listen to him practising but I get thrown out when I sing along or beat time with my tail.  I don’t think I am ever going to be ready for a gig.

Anyway, I am looking forward to another nearly (merely?) normal week. Hopefully I can report on all the non-excitement next week.


230 : A Visitor Cometh


228: Dam It!