228: Dam It!

Picture this.

An army of hamsters recognise that their fledgling city is about to be attacked by marauding Visigoths.  The city defenders are traders not soldiers but are determined to save their city from being pillaged by the invaders.

The hamsters run to the river which almost surrounds the city and they plunge into the river in their thousands. Bodies pile on bodies as the hamsters lay down their lives to build a route for the city’s defenders to get to the weapons store on the other side of the river.  (The inhabitants had removed all the weapons to make more room in the city for traded goods.)

Within 10 minutes, the hamsters had formed a wall over which the city defenders we’e able to reach the weapons. As they returned to the city, the river waters has risen but the hamsters had continued to sacrifice their lives to keep the ‘bridge’ above water.  When the last defender was back in the city, the hamsters at the top (who were still alive) dived into ther waters, releasing the flow of the water and creating a tidal wave that rushed away from the city, enveloping and destroying the approaching Visigoth army.

The city was saved without the need for the inhabitants to use their weapons.  They quickly returned to their main job of making the city the richest city in the world.

This is the story (well, my story, anyway) of how the city of Hamsterdam got its name.  

This is where TOWTSH has been for the last few days.  Thanks goodness, he is back now and his pup can stop taking me for walks.

Don’t worry, I’ll be back to normal next week.


229: Nearly Normal


227: Education! Education! Education!