250: He’s Gone Again
Yes! The pup has gone again. Every time, just as I get used to him being around, he leaves. I don’t know if he has relationship problems or if the police are after him, but he scarpers.
This time he’s evidently gone to buy some neck decorations because I distinctly heard him say he was going to Tie-land. He must be buying a lot because he’s gone for seven weeks. (Remember 7 weeks in dog time is a very long time.)
So, I’m left with the oldies. I just hope they don’t die while the pup is away. What would I do then? I don’t know how to open the door or contact anyone. I could starve to death or injure myself. I need a panic button linked to some kind of emergency service that could at the vey least come and put food through the letterbox.
Perhaps, instead of wishing and hoping (cue for a song there), I should start such a service myself. I could start small - just providing the service for dogs in our street, ; then when people realise what a useful service it is, it would spread from community to community across the land - and the globe.
Forgive me now, I’m just going to think and plan - I need to come up with a catchy name for the service (“Help for Hounds”?, “Owners gone? Dogs Live On”?, “Death Is Not The End”?, “Bones, not Bodies” ?) - and a logo , of course. I hope John’s laptop is charged up and available so I can work on a website.
I must stop now, I’m going to be busy.
Now, how much should I charge?