251: On the Back Burner

Those of you who read last week’s post will know that I was intending to set up a new business.

However, I could not get hold of the laptop to do the  preparatory work.

But things move on and I’ve kind of lost interest in becoming a business dog -  it would mean decisions, hassle, work (uugghh!). . I prefer my normal quiet life.

Sol, the idea has gone on the back burner.  

My back burner is in almost continual use. I have lots of brilliant ideas but if they take more than sevens minutes to implement, I normally can’t be bothered. By the time the idea comes back to me, it is well and truly burnt to shreds (or should tht be ashes. .  I think I might be mixing my metaphors).

So, I’m back on my even keel - with all my attention on seeking food. (If my food went on the back burner, I could have a barbecue!)

The pup is still away in Tieland.  Even TOWTSH (John) has got in on the act and booked holidays - to Prague (wherever that is), and to somewhere called the Outer Hebrides.

That last word is a little strange.  I thought brides were ‘she’ so perhaps its a misprint or misspeak - probably should be Outer Shebrides.

Of course he hasn’t told me when he’s going, so I’ll have to live with the anxiety and anguish for ever - or until the holidays take place.

Seems there’s always another way for the beans to make my life miserable!


252: Some Things Are Weird


250: He’s Gone Again