253: Meaty, Treaty

My beans, luckily, look after me very well.  They give me plenty of food (though I would like more). They also give me treats. 

Every morning when I return from my walk in the park I get a treat which TOWTLH splits into bits and throws alternate bits along  the hallway (to make me run down the hall) and at her feet (to make me run back again).    Though I know I could achieve the same end by walking instead of running, I play the game because my beans seem to like it.  So, though they think they are manipulating me, as usual it is simply me manipulating them.

However, this is not the point of this blog post.

The treat involved is a strip of some synthetic or manufactured foodstuff in a packet labelled “Schmackos”. (Not an esasyt word to spell.)

In former times, these same treats used to be called ‘meaty strips’ but it is clear from the taste that there is very little meat in these strips, which is presumably why they were renamed.

I do not know if the regulations that apply to dog treats (and dog food in general) are the same as, or as tough as, those relating to human foods, but I am glad to see that they seem to be effective in helping give a clearer idea of the content of foodstuffs. 

After all, “Schmackos” is so much clearer than “meaty strips”, isn’t it ?????


254: Whither Weather?


252: Some Things Are Weird