254: Whither Weather?
It’s no wonder human beans spend so long talking about the weather. The weather is varied, unpredictable and at times dangerous - rather like Donald Trump.
Take this week. Please, take this week! It started with arctic conditions - freezing cold all day long, Humans wore lots of clothes, especially outer garments and accessories.. We dogs, of course, just relied on our natural fur protection.
Then after a couple of days - and well-heralded by the forecasters - the temperature rose by several degrees. Great … but the rise in temperature was accompanied by the arrival of rain. Warm rain, admittedly but nevertheless, rain. Human beans just change their overgarments; dogs just get wet - if they are allowed out and choose to go.
Humans (well, some of them) complain about the mess as muddy feet/paws bring water and bits of twigs and leaves into the home. This is never deliberate but it seems as though humans think we do bring in the mess deliberately. Why would we? We gain no benefit from it.
It’s said that eskimos (or Innuits, as we are supposed to call them now) have X words for snow (where X is a large, positive integer supplied by the speaker. Humans in the UK have several words and phrases to describe rain. - and especially its intensity) … including the frankly rather offensive “Its raining cats and dogs”. (Can I cite this as an example of ‘hate speech’ and claim offence and trauma - and compensation.
The only thing we haven’t had this week (or this month) is sunshine. Well, I say ‘the only thing’. We haven’t had cyclones, tempests, tornados and the like. No flooding. No land slips. No sink holes. Ae ever, we have to be thankful for the lack of real disaster … while at the same time hoping to see some sunshine next week - or by May, at least.