26: What’s the Point of …. Rolling News

My beans watch quite a bit of news - morning, noon and evening.... thankfully, not during the night.  

Though I don’t (actively) watch it, I am often in the same room.  I hear quite a bit of it and occasionally I glance at the screen.

I don’t get it!

Take the other day.   On the evening bulletin, the newsreader, talking (as always) about Covid, suggested that Manchester was going into ‘very high’ lockdown level (Tier 3 to most people but I think Boris and his metropolitan government would have much preferred to call the tiers, ‘Standard’, ‘Grande’ and ‘Vente’).

At 9am the following morning, the newsreader suggested that Manchester was going into ‘very high’ lockdown level - and the report even used the  same interviews with  Mancunians to illustrate the seriousness of this move.

On the midday bulletin, the newsreader suggested that Manchester was going into ‘very high’ lockdown level.

Only on the next 6pm bulletin did we get any form of (marginal) update when the newsreader suggested that Manchester was going into ‘very high’ lockdown level in just a few hours time.

This was bad enough but on the BBC News 24 channel, this announcement was made at least twice every hour.

Can anyone tell me why humans need such items repeating so often. Are they just very slow learners?

And ... don’t get me started on ‘pre-news’.  “Later today, the Prime Minister will give a speech saying that .... “. 

It is news when it happens, not before it happens!

Rant over. Back to the biscuits.


27:Lockdown Revisited


25: Technology Can Be Useful