27:Lockdown Revisited

Next Thursday we enter another national lockdown - a kind of Tier 4.

Will this make any difference to me?

From what I’ve heard so far, probably not ..... though circumstances (and regulations) seem to change on an hourly basis.   I don’t know why they don’t let their last change work (or not) before they implement another one.  They (the government) keep saying they want evidence-based decision-making, and to act on ghe basis of ‘the science’, but they seem to have forgotten the basics of scientific method.

You have to see, and evaluate, the results of an experiment before moving on to the next one.  When we have an incubation period of 14 days for a virus, then we have to wait 14 days to understand whether something has worked or not.  Panic decision-making is counter-productive.

Neither do they (the government and the scientists) seem to have any understanding of what is spreading the virus.  Is it schoolchildren taking it from school back home?  Is it 18-30 year olds taking it back home from pubs and bars?  If we don’t know, how can we decide whether or not to leave schools or bars open?

Of course, perhaps ‘they’ do know and are not telling us./

Still, in a few days we’ll know whether that nice Mr Trump is going to lead the world to safety.

In the meantime, I will maintain my social distancing and my dignity, till someone explains ‘the truth’ about Covid-19.   (That ‘The Truth About Covid-19’ sounds like an apt title for an ITV documentary.)

For the immediate future, I am going to nudge TOWTSH and let him know it is time to take me to the park.


28: Covid Rules Explained


26: What’s the Point of …. Rolling News