29: Election Comment

It is not often that dogs comment on politics (or religion) but sometimes it is hard to resist.  Take the American election. It is too early to say who has won but either:

America has voted to retain the bullying, bungling, cheating, lying, corrupt incumbent; or

America is passing the baton, and the leadership of the country(and of the free world?)  from a fool to an old man.

America will presumably get the President it deserves.

(And they have the affrontary to want to impose their form of democracy on the rest of the world.)

Of course I only get to hear snatches of what the  candidates (and their running mates) say but from what little I’ve seen and heard, I would vote for Biden/Harris.  I think Kamala Harris will make an interesting President when Joe Biden has his heart attack.

(If he doesn’t,  at least he is very unlikely to go for a second term; he will be over 80 then.) 

It all makes UK politics look very staid and organised - even in the Boris Johnson era.

Of course I always ask the question .... Does it affect me?  In this case, I suspect not.  

Luckily I don’t have a mobile phone so I don’t see Twitter.  I don’y tweet - I bark. I don’t invest in the stock market.  I don’t get subsidised medical care.  I don’t think Trump or Biden can harm my life.  So I just stand on the sidelines as an impartial (though sometimes concerned) observer, glad my human beans are not living in America, not forced to make the choice that faced Americans this week.

I’m sorry to regular readers if these comment are a bit serious and inappropriate for a dog but dogs are citizens of the world and my mother (bless her little tail) always wanted me to engage with the world.  My dad’s advice was to “keep your nose in your food and out of human business”.

Now, on to important matters. Where are the biscuits?


30: Sound Asleep
