46: Winter draw(er)s on!

Who controls the weather? 

I don’t know.  If you do, please get a message to him or her.

We’ve had enough.  It is beyond a joke. A little bit of snow can be fun.   But when I have to go for a morning slide rather than walk, I fail to see the joke.

(Incidentally, when I typed the word ‘morning’ just then, my paw slipped and that auto correct thingy put in the word ‘Morgana’ (complete with upper case ‘m’).  Since Morgana is my mum’s name, I found this a bit spooky.)

I find it difficult to walk on ice, looking rather like an overweight Bambi.

I know, also, that the ice makes some people ill.  John & Megan, who live in the bungalow, were complaining g about ‘crampons’ the other day and showing people the soles of their paws which had little silvery spots all over them.  I think they need to take more salt with their food but when someone gave them some recently, they just poured it all over their driveway.

Human Beans are strange. TOWTSH was watching some kind of dog equipment TV programme at the weekend.  It was called something like Leads  United.  Throughout the programme, he kept making  noises and voicing  opinions, none of which made any sense to me or to TOWTLH.  The only thing I understood was that a character who I think was called Ref Eree (strange name) must have had a spare bottle of  wine  because TOWTSH kept saying “Give him some glasses”.

HE (TOWTSH) causes me and TOWTLH quite a bit of pain and discomfort.  Not deliberately, of course, but he will insist on ‘singing’ when playing his guitar or ukulele. I used quote marks deliberately because my understanding is that ’singing’ involves s melody or tune, or as a minimum, musical sounds.  The sounds that emanate from TOWTSH match none of these criteria.

You can see, therefore, why I need to get out  more …. but the weather is preventing that.  

Roll on, summer!


47: TV Choices


45: Magnanimosity