56: Sorry About the Language

Before I start, I apologise to anyone who might find some of the language below, offensive or embarrassing.

On second thoughts, I withdraw my apology.  Just grow up!

When perusing the newspaper the other day (yes, I look over TOWTSH’s shoulder when he is reading …. a girl’s got to keep up with the news)  I saw yet another article about ‘wokeness’ (is that a word?  If it is, it shouldn’t be).

Evidently the world ‘breast’ is sexist or anti-trans or something undesirable.  We are now expected to refer to a woman’s chest, to chest milk, and so on.

I assume this extends to bitches like me.   I have lots of breasts and nipples (8 at the last count) but I think I only have one chest… so this new ‘rule’ is not only stupid, it is inaccurate.

Anyway, while falling asleep, I thought about other words referring to body parts which might offend those who have changed sex (or simply re-assigned their gender) but do not have the appropriate  body part and would feel demeaned if the word was used in their presence.

Some (like ‘testicles’) have enough euphemisms and synonyms already so there is no real need to invent another.

So, a dog’s testicles are obviously ‘the dog’s bollocks’

A penis becomes ‘a joy stick’ (though that means lots of video gamers might be accused of spending too much time playing with their joystick.)

Actually this is getting ridiculous. Let’s keep penis, testicles - and breasts.  Let’s be anti-woke. (A sleeping protest?)

That reminds me of a website that sold high quality writing implements.  They created a website based around the maxim, “The pen is mightier than the sword’ and a relatively junior employee at the PR company they were using was asked to register an appropriate domain name.  Being naive he registered Pen is . com not realising that spaces are irrelevant. Thus, they attempted to publish the website as penis.com and were immediately banned from  the web.

Words are important. Don’t mess with them!


57: Food, Glorious Food


55: Not Another One