65: Its Finally Happened

Yesterday, my beans - or ‘the bastards’ as I shall refer to them now - took me to the groomer. You will know that they have been threatening to do this for some time.

There - at the groomer - they doused me in water and something called shampoo (not even real poo!). After rubbing me all over, they heated me up with some sort of electrical device until my fur was semi-dry. Then they used a variety of torture instruments to strip off most of my fur until I looked under-nourished and young. All the while, the girl/woman who did all this was smiling and talking to me as if i should be enjoying it. This was while I was worrying about my nipples (of which I have quite a few).

You can see the results in the photo below.

2021-05-12 10.23.39.png

I .look like a dog from the third world - or a dog that has been mis-treated - which I have.

They say Time is a Healer - and I guess my fur will grow again…. but I suspect that just means another does of torture.

Life isn’t fair, is it? I don’t deserve to be treated like this.

Its a dog’s life!


66: Baby, Its Cold Outside


64: The Terror Returns