70: Sorry for being serious.

I’m not sure if it is OK for a dog to raise philosophical (and potentially political ) issues in a blog . .. but I’m going to do it anyway.

TOWTSH was recently watching the tail end of a TV programme about a group of ‘celebrities’ that had made a pilgrimage to Rome.  At the end of their journey, they had an audience with the Pope … they were celebrities.   


One of the celebrities was a black, gay man,  and repeatedly complained to the Pope about how difficult it was to be a black, gay man in modern society, how a black, gay man is abused, and so on.  After the fourth or fifth comment about the hardships of being  a black, gay man, the Pope interjected and said (and I paraphrase here) ..

“Why so much focus on the adjectives?  Most of your experience relates to you being a man … and this is what shapes your relationship with God. .  The adjectives of black and gay simply categorise you. If you wish to live according to those categories, that is your choice  but you end up suffering whatever is determined by those categories. Rise above the adjectives and concentrate on the noun - you are a man!”

This seemed to me, as a humble dog, to be very wise.

Now, I have to see how I can reshape my life and live as a wiser, and more contented dog.  My new, sunnier disposition, which I wrote about recently should help here.


71: Start to panic … we’re doomed!


69: The new, happy Gina