69: The new, happy Gina

TOWTLH, when talking to me one evening last week, told me that my thoughts, as expressed in this blog, have been very negative recently. She thinks I am too critical, too gloomy, too world-weary and that I should allow the sunnier side of my personality to shine through.

I respect her views and thus reflected on what she had said.  I re-read the lasts few blog posts and you know what … she is quite right.

So, I apologise to you, my loyal readers for the negativity and promise to try to do better in the future. 

This has been helped by the arrival of …. the sun.  It seems easier to be positive and happy when the sun is shining  and it is warm.  And my new shorter hair means I am more comfortable.

My resolve has also been helped by Max, next door - or, more properly, by Max’s owners - Vanessa, James and Callum.  They have not, as I feared, left me out in the cold without treats.  They have been kind and generous enough to ensure there are sufficient stocks for both Max and myself.  It seems my pessimism was unfounded.  So, my new optimistic outlook is built on a sound foundation. 

I am feeling so buoyant that I have penned a little rhyme….

No more meaner Gina

Now she’s a happy little dog

You’ll see lots of positive messages

Emerging from this blog.

She’s now an eternal optimist

With new, rose-coloured glasses

Any negative thought she has

Will be sidelined until it passes

If you want positive, uplifting messages, Gina’s dog blog will be the place to go.  


70: Sorry for being serious.


68: Have You Seen Him?