78: Where Am I?

They’ve done it again?

The human beans who (allegedly?) look after me have removed me from my comfortable home to a strange place called, I think, North Thunderland.

We came here last year and stayed in a cottage just by the sea.  All I remember is getting sand in my toes and drinking horrible salty water.

This time, the cottage (not the same one) looks out over a harbour - water again!  (Are they trying to drown me?)

They expect me to walk.  I thought I was safe when TOWTSH got his sighattica and limped everywhere with a walking stick, but it seems he has recovered just in time and just enough to walk me miles….. sometimes on a beach ….. more sand …. uugghh!

And to add insult to injury, they’ve brought another dog with them - a little, excited, hyperactive cockapoo (aptly named, I think) called Popcorn..  She wants to play.  I’ve tried telling her I don’t do ‘play’ but she’s too busy playing to listen.

I hope we’re not here for long. I might not survive more than a week.


79: Power Struggle


77: Who is the more advanced?