79: Power Struggle

TOWYSH and myself seem to be in something of a power struggle - to see who is boss in this household.

About two months ago, I decided I would give up my walks.  I was getting  bored with them. We rarely went anywhere new - not that I wanted to. So, it was the same roads, the same paths, the same smells.

So,  just act very reluctant to walk. When he gets me outside on the lead, i dig my heels in, increase my weight and refuse to move. 

He pulls. I look at him with disdain. He pulls harder. I take a step towards him to release the pressure on my neck - and sit down again.

This goes on  for a while until (usually) he gives up and takes me back indoors.


Occasionally, he continues to pull and drag until i am forced to go 30 or 40 yards.

This all seems unnecessary. Just leave me alone.

Who is the winner in all this?

Well, me, of course. I win the tug of war more often then he does.

And I always think while falling asleep again, “Who shovels whose poo up?”  That makes it clear who the boss is!


80: For Sale?


78: Where Am I?