82: What is a funeral?

TOWTSH went to something called a ‘funeral’ this week.  

What is a funeral?

Nobody will tell me - but I assume because it has ‘fun’ at the beginning of the name, it must be something like a party.

Dogs don’t have funerals. Dogs don’t attend funerals. 

Why are we excluded from such events?

This is doggist!

I demand access to funerals for all canines.  I will start a protest movement.  We will have placards, whistles, superglue and all the other protest paraphernalia. 

But when I talked to my doggy friends, they were not enthusiastic.  They seem to think that funerals are not fun. They have heard that human beans often cry at funerals.

So, perhaps I’ve been too hasty.

I’ll have another think about it …. while I have another biscuit.


83: The World Is Going Mad


81: Friend or Foe?