81: Friend or Foe?

The guy next door - James - is a friend of mine.  He regularly gives me treats, even though her has a dog of his own - called Max.

At least I used to think he was a friend of mine.

Now, I’m not so sure.

He seems determined to stop me sleeping.

He seems Ito be attempting to break into our house with lots of very noisy equipment and lots of knocking and banging,

This morning, for example, he started about nine o’clock and went on till lunchtime. It was very noisy - and even a little frightening.

I assume he went off to get some lunch - as did I.  

I was just about to settle down for my post-lunch nap when the noise started up again.

This was  not the first day this has happened, either. Its become a regular occurrence.  

So, James - you can hold off on the treats if you also hold off on the noise. 

My human beans can do without an extension (whatever one of those is.)


82: What is a funeral?


80: For Sale?