88: Extending

My human beans have just spent a lot of money having a small extension built.  (At least I assume it was a lot of money. I’m sure it would have bought a lot of dog biscuits.)

It was built because they wanted a downstairs toilet.  It’s very grand - complete with shower.  In fact its almost as grand as the one upstairs.

My first thought was “Why do they need two toilets?”  But then I remembered there are two of them.

On reflection, I then thought “Why do they need any toilets?”

I’m expected to go in the garden, or in the park - in full view of other dogs and even human beans.

Its one rule for humans. And a much inferior rule for dogs.  

Humans talk of diversity and equality.  Why not extend that to us dogs?


89: Like Dog, Like Human


87: Urrggh!