92: NotAgain!

After the indignity of a haircut (you did read the last blog post, didn’t you?), a couple of days ago TOWTSH took me to the vets.  Worse, I had to go without food since I was having a blood test.

I’ve got some (blood) thank goodness but, of course, I’ve got a bit less than I did have because the vet took a jugful out of my neck.

I’ve now got a shaved bit of neck and a little plaster - I think it looks quite cute.

I don’t know whether the vet has told my beans something but they’ve been checking my insurance.  I hope there is nothing seriously wrong. I’m not a good patient or a good sufferer.

The good news is I’ve lost half a kilogram in weight since I was last there.

So, my beans are pleased with me.

In fact, I’m rather pleased with myself and my new svelte figure.

The vet, however, was not pleased at all.  She says I have to lose another six kilograms. I’ve heard my beans planning less food and more exercise - a killing combination.

Happy Christmas?  I don’t think so.

But I mustn’t let this sour my normal sunny disposition. In case I forget in the next couple of weeks, Merry Christmas to all my fans. Now, I’m off for a slimming biscuit.


93: They Say There’ll Be Snow at Christmas


91: Its going to be a Cold Christmas