93: They Say There’ll Be Snow at Christmas

You may recognise the line above from the Band Aid song.  But listening to the TV yesterday, the weather guesser suggested there might actually be some snow this Christmas,


When you don’t wear shoes, snow is a b***** nuisance.  Sorry about my language.  TOWTLH has done her best to curb my outbursts when I’m angry or upset but somethings just set me off.

Snow is one of them.

I get cold, I get icicles between my toes and then when I finally get indoors and warm again, I’m in danger of getting chilblains (whatever they are?).

I can see why humans invented a celebration and feast as something to look forward to in the winter.

You probably don’t know s but we dogs have something similar.

It’s called Bonefest.   We get together in parks and wherever we normally go for walks and we talk about our favourite bones of the year.   

Some dogs are such good raconteurs that you can smell and taste the bones they are describing.  If we’re lucky, we’re go back home to our own special Bonefest bone.

My beans not to have heard of b=?Bonefest.  Either that or they are just cruel and miserable.

All I can do is hope and look forward to a boneful new year.

Merry Christmas.


94: Happy New Year


92: NotAgain!