95: Not N(Ice)

Outside has turned even colder and we have snow and ice on the ground. 

Some people think this is not a problem for dogs as we have four legs.

These people are stupid.  

Think about it!

Two feet in contact with the ground equals two points that get cold and two points that can slip.

Four feet in contact with the ground equals four points that get cold and four points that can slip.

Not exactly rocket science, is it?

We dogs have double the trouble.

I think this weather will last for the weekend, so I’m not going out whatever he (TOWTSH) says. 

Anyway, he’s not happy with me since I ate the TV remote control.  Well, ‘ate’ is too strong a word.  I only chewed the end off.

Well, they shouldn’t put me on a diet.  I need comfort food in this weather.   He has his battenburg - I find a remote control or anything else that looks a little like food.


96: 0.7 is a big number


94: Happy New Year