96: 0.7 is a big number

TOWTSH took me to the vet this week. This was for a weigh-in as part of my weight loss plan. (Think Weight Watchers for Dogs).

They’ve cut down my food and my treats and TOWTSH is trying to get me to walk further.  (I’m having none of it, though.)

Anyway, there is good news and bad news.

Good News: I’ve lost 0.7kg (about a pound and a half for you old imperialists) in 4 weeks.

Bad News: I’ve got about 6 kg to go to get down to my target weight.   This should  take about a year if I go at the same rate. So by next Christmas, I will be difficult to see - especially from the front or back. I might fall down the drain.

Of course, I’ll be healthy because I am allegedly being fed a balanced, nutritious diet.

Of course, I might not feel healthy because I’ll be starving.

In the meantime, if you see me out walking, please rush out with a spare carrot, biscuit, rusk or dried emu, I’ll be very grateful. 


97: Frying Tonight


95: Not N(Ice)