98: Change of Colour

Those that follow this blog closely (and if you don’t, then why not?) will know l’ve been put on a diet.  The problem is that not only have my beans reduced my consumption of food, they’ve changed the food itself - opting (on the advice of that bloody vet) for something called obesity management food.

Obese? Moi!  

I might be a tad overweight, a little large around the stomach but I am certainly not obese.

But I digress. 

I heard TOWTSH, who takes me for my walks and, as a consequence, cleans up my outputs, telling g TOWTLH that my outputs have changed colour -and consistency.

Yesterday, I checked - and he’s right.  It looks quite different.  I would show you a photo but I can’t work a camera with my paws.

It might mean I’m seriously ill.   By trying to make me lighter, they might have poisoned me.

The only thing I can do is to keep a watch on my outputs for the next few days- assuming I have any, of course - and see what happens.  If you are out and about in the next few days and you see me staring at my own faeces, please be understanding.

I’m trying to work out if I am going to die.


99: About time he did something about it!


97: Frying Tonight