173: An Adventure

This week (Friday to be precise), my beans told me I was going on an adventure.

Now, you probably know that I don’t like adventures - they tend to involve physical activity and I’ve spent my life trying to avoid that.

Anyway, this one turned out to be not so much an adventure as an alternative venue for a walk.

At the normal time (approx 8:15 am), TOWTSH took me to the park for my usual morning walk.  After that my usual (and preferred) practice is to curl up and sleep until lunchtime when he takes me for a (shorter) walk before I muscle in and help them eat their post-lunch banana.  (I love bananas!)

On Friday, however, things were different. At about 9:30 am, just as I was starting my dream cycle, I was woken , put into the car and driven to somewhere called Hairwood.

There, they (my beans) marched me through  lots of trees (the ‘wood’ in Hairwood I suppose,, but I failed to see the ‘Hair’).

They then went to he cafe for a coffee.  They did buy me a doggy ice cream which was delicious (I’ve never had one before.)

Then we walked a little more before returning home.

I was, naturally, exhausted  having walked about 2 or 3 times my usual morning distance.

The worst thing of all is that I quite enjoyed it.  

Don’t tell my beans,  I don’t want them to make a habit of it.


174: He’s been everywhere, man!


172: Its Bl**!y Hot