06: What is football?

I mentioned In an earlier blog post that I don’t do ‘FETCH’ - in fact I don’t play any games .... this is part of my kennels upbringing.  I never learned any games.

TOWTSH watches games on the telly box.  I can’t really see the point of watching other people play games but he seems to spend a lot of time watching something called ‘football’ (Soccer in case any Americans are reading this).  In this game, humans run around kicking the ball with their feet (presumably why it is called football) and trying to score a ‘goal’.

It seems that humans belong to a football tribe and one of the rules of football is that you have to dislike - or at least disrespect - those that belong to other tribes.

Humans get very disappointed when their team loses and spend a lot of time apportioning blame to individual players, the manager, the referee and even something called ‘VAR’.  

When their team wins, humans celebrate.  They are ‘over the moon’ (unlikely); ‘the boys done good’ (oh, the language mistakes humans make sometimes); and everyone is happy except for the losing tribe, of course.  They are ‘as sick as parrots’ (though, personally, I’ve never seen a sick parrot.  There again, I’ve never seen a parrot except on the telly box).

When I have more time, I’ll explain my thoughts on other sports and games (don’t get me started on ‘boxing’) but for now I’m off to look for crumbs in the dining room.


07: Vote for My Party


05: The Virus