12: De-stress the dog(s)

Those of you who have been paying attention will know that a couple of weeks ago I was on holiday - in Northumberland.

This was my first ever holiday and I enjoyed most of it - especially the beaches.

(Holidays seem to be very popular with human beans - half of our street is either camping, cottaging (?) or overseas.)

Now, of course, I am back at home …. trying to settle back into the rhythm of pandemic life.

Dogs - and I am no exception - tend to like routines.  They offer us predictability, reliability, security ….. give me those any day over risk, surprise and adventure. 

However, if you have a routine that is broken by inconsiderate or ill -disciplined human beans, it raises stress levels because the predictable suddenly becomes unpredictable.    

All sorts of reasons can be imagined and all sorts of unpleasant futures conceived from a simple missed filling of the feeding bowl.

So, I urge all dog-owning human beans (and especially mine) to act responsibly, complete the routines, maintain the schedule, and de-stress the dog(s).

Now I’m just off to check whether my water bowl has had its 8am fill.  If not, it might be some time before you hear from me again.


13: Bonus Episode


11: A visit to the vet