138 : Fog, Not Dog!

I saw my first fog today.  It was really scary.  The world had become only semi-visible and had changed to monochrome.

I thin k I know the cause. I think Leeds is being invaded.

Last night there were all sorts of explosions, all around us. I went for a walk at about seven o’clock and the noise was deafening, and there were all sorts of strange lights in the sky.

What worries me is that going from the size of the lights and the sheer number of explosions, it might not be a conventional army invading us; it might be aliens. My guess is small furry rodents with big heads - though I have no evidence for that.

I think I’ll keep out off the way today until I find out what their attitude is to dogs.

At least the fog will help keep me hidden.


139 Annie Versary


137 : Playing Tag