16: Weather

I went out for a walk today ….. something I do every day.  It was C O L D.

I don’t undersrsannd how the outdoor temperature can drop by ten degrees in 24 hours.

As we all know, weather in the UK is highly variable but it sometimes seems as though the weather is some form of spirit that is desperately trying to live up to its reputation. (“It’s been 10 minutes since I switched on the sun; time for a change”)

When I grow up, I think I’ll go to college and study ‘weatherology’ so I can become the world’s first weather dog.

To see if I can maintain interest over an extended period, i intend to spend the next month predicting the next day's weather.  At the same time, I will throw a die (see, I know its not dice in the singular) and make a random prediction. Then I can see if I really have a gift by beating  those random predictions with my informed (?) forecasts.

In the meantime, I’m trying to tell my human beans that I need some warm clothing for the winter but, of course, I’m doing that through the medium of dog-mime (and I have to admit that is a limited form of communication - a bit like talking to a 14 year old male human bean).

Let’s all hope the weather changes.  No - we know it will change. Let’s hope it changes in a positive direction - with rising temperatures

I’ll sign off for today with my predictions:

Random prediction - same as today.

Informed prediction - 2 degrees warmer but significantly wetter.


17: The Vet Report


15: The Rule of Six