17: The Vet Report

I’ve been to the vet again.  Why?  Well, it depends on your level of cynicism.  Either I need to get properly better or the vet needs (wants) to make some more money.

Last time I was there, I had a blood test - to find out if I had a thyroid problem.  During the last 2 weeks, some young lady, who I think, from what I overheard, is called Anne Alysis, has looked at my blood and very cleverly determined that I do not have a thyroid problem.

My conjunctivitis has cleared up and my ear infection has gone.

So, I’m cured. Right? 

Not so fast.

TOWTSH (who took me to the vet) made the mistake of commenting that my left eye (which once had conjunctivitis) has always been less clear (and sparking, of course) than my right eye.

The vet examined both my eyes - which included an awful procedure where a stick of paper was held in contact with my eye for a whole minute to see how much moisture was ‘wicked up’.  Right eye: 18 - Left eye 7.

The vet diagnosed ‘dry eye’ (yes, there was a dry eye in the house) and prescribed some very expensive (naturally) ointment - £99 for a very small tube which has to be used twice a day….. and this might have to go on for several weeks.  The aim evidently is to stimulate some gland in my eye to produce more fluid so I have a normal eye (wet eye, I presume). 

I’ve tried telling my beans that they should just let nature take its course but like many human beans they believe in the power of medicines and potions to work magic.

To make a bad day even worse, it is raining and I can’t (actually don’t want to) go to the park. The trauma of the visit to the vet might end up being the high point of my day.

Its a dog’s life.


18: Loch Down


16: Weather